Liquid Field Tender

Self agitating and rinsing.   

Build in cooperation with Cardale Grain.

Build in cooperation with Cardale Grain.

Heavy frame and hitch for rough traveling on field and road.  


This Liquid Field Tender is for towing behind your applicator or sprayers in the field or on the road.  It is ideal for melting Urea, mixing chemical and tea extracts and keeping everything in solutions through constant agitation. It comes with a gas powered 260 gpm pump that can handle mixing of  solids in liquid, agitating the liquid and serve as a transfer pump both in and out of the Tank.      


Standard features : 


- 2500 Gallon Tank

- 260 gpm 3 inch Gas  Pump. 

- Constant Agitation / Mixing

- Self transfer in or out. 

- Self rinsing / cleaning. 

- Ladder  and step board for easy Tank hatch access. 


On board  gas pump, for mixing, agitation, rinsing and transfer.  


Optional  Features: 

- Chemical Inductor

- Track width matching for sprayer nursing and CTF . 

-  Dolly axle setup using King pin. 

- Various Tank sizes. 

- Additional tanks for rinsing. 

- Wide Profile tires for reduced compaction or narrow gauged tires for tramline travel. 

- Your own ideas for custom builds. 

Easy Access step ladder and walk board. 


Follow the Contact us link at the top of the page for more info and pricing!